Community Based Rehabilitation


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Our trained field coordinators visit communities to provide therapy, raise awareness, and offer training on pressure sore management to PwSCI. Recognizing the ongoing needs of those with spinal cord injuries, we conduct follow-up visits every 2-3 months, or as needed, for individuals already rehabilitated; to ensure they are active and are involved in some income-generating activities. Our focus extends to identifying individuals with spinal cord injuries, explaining the necessity of rehabilitation, facilitating their rehabilitation, and helping them to get government due benefits.

Our Approach : 

  • Identify PwSCI  and help them  to improve their quality of life
  • Assist PwSCI to register with government agencies and secure them due benefits
  • Conduct Medical Camp to create Awareness
  • Home visits for follow up and guidelines.
  • Provide mobility accessories to lead a better and self-reliant life( Wheelchair, Caliper, Ramp, Toilet facility etc)
  • Counselling and capacity building of PwSCI.

Our trained field coordinators visit communities to provide therapy, raise awareness, and offer training on pressure sore management to PwSCI. Recognizing the ongoing needs of those with spinal cord injuries, we conduct follow-up visits every 2-3 months, or as needed, for individuals already rehabilitated; to ensure they are active and are involved in some income-generating activities. Our focus extends to identifying individuals with spinal cord injuries, explaining the necessity of rehabilitation, facilitating their rehabilitation, and helping them to get government due benefits.

Our Approach : 

  • Identify PwSCI and help them  to improve their quality of life
  • Assist PwSCI to register with government agencies and secure them due benefits
  • Conduct Medical Camp to create Awareness
  • Home visits for follow up and guidelines.
  • Provide mobility accessories to lead a better and self-reliant life( Wheelchair, Caliper, Ramp, Toilet facility etc)
  • Counselling and capacity building of PwSCI.

Apply  For Community Based Rehabilitaion

Seva Bharathi Kanyady extends its unconditional support to adults with intellectual disabilities, in terms of skill-based development models and opportunities. It seeks to equip them with all the necessary knowledge and tools, in developing their skills and getting open wage employment or engage them with meaningful livelihood opportunities.

Apply For Community Based Rehabilitation & to procure all the facilities for a better future


Seva Bharathi Kanyady extends its unconditional support to adults with intellectual disabilities, in terms of skill-based development models and opportunities. It seeks to equip them with all the necessary knowledge and tools, in developing their skills and getting open wage employment or engage them with meaningful livelihood opportunities.

Apply For Community Based Rehabilitation & to procure all the facilities for a better future



Bedsore Management

Home/Office Accessibility

Identification Of PwscI

Residential medical Camp

Success Stories
